fake news

Scream for Change – This poster is an angry scream for change, just like some voices seem to be louder … More


Posters and flyers for a youth center, to host a board game and movie night for young refugees and locals …


We cannot avoid being a role model nor are we free to decide whether we want to be a role model or not. But who and what helps us in this great and important task? And what about our own need for role models? …


A poster series of six posters to Christian Morgenstern’s poem “Anto-Logie”. An interpretation that places Morgenstern’s texts in a surreal visual world. In terms of form, an analogy to Simplicissimus, the posters have a political background …


For the first time, the Visual Communication course of study at Pforzheim University has dealt with a common semester topic: “How to communicate nuclear repositories to future generations” …